Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Too Hard

Well, I have been trying to quit for a long time now. I have smoked on and off for about 4 years which means I have been smoking since I was fourteen. I think I am getting better. I have cut down on the cigarettes big time but everytime I see someone smoke it drives me insane and then I go smoke. I wish there was a cure for that. But I am going to hang in there and keep trying to quit. To everyone, smoking is bad for you. It killed my grandfather. He was a smoker all his life. He was a salesman for Newports and they told him to smoke. So he did. He struggled with cancer for 10 years and then finally died. Its very hard to watch someone to die with cancer. So I suggest, that we all hang in there and try to quit.


smoking is for loosers!

Extremely difficult

I have been smoking for 15 years - Marlboro 100's at that. I just found out I was pregnant recently and know that it is definately the time to quit this nasty habit. Since I found out, I have craved cigarettes even more. I am down to 10 a day - Marlboro Light 100's and over the next week, I plan to be a non-smoker for life. Wish me luck, I know I am going to need it.

i quit

Actually I had my last one on Sunday, but its Tuesday. I am trying to focus on keeping busy.. because I more or less smoke out of boredom. Keep your fingers crossed....I am seriously determined this time.

still smokin...

You know...I have quit for a period of 3 years in the past 10 years, a period of 5 months, and a period of 21 days. I am sure I will quit for good, but when is the question?If it wasn't for enjoying it sooo much after a exhausting round of fun, or a delicious satisfying meal, it would be easier. But refraining from activities, or changing the way you do something isn't easy.
Any ideas?

Social smoker

I am posting this message anonymously for no good reason other than the fact that if I sign my real name, I am essentially admitting that I am doing something that isn't good for me (which is true). I am thirty years old and have been a social smoker since age 15. This means that I "only smoke when I drink" which ranges anywhere from once every few months to once a week, or whenever I visit someone who smokes regularly. I guess you could say that I am easily influenced by my surroundings, but have been lucky enough not to develop a habbit that affects my day to day living (at least not in my actions). I reallize that what I am doing is playing with fire (literally). I know that each time I pick up a cigarette to catch that little buzz or for that calming feeling of enjoying a smoke with a friend, I am diminishing my quality of life and harming my body (what a selfish thing to do....). I have always tried to lead a healthy lifestyle. But, the smoking is a force that has been pushing my efforts in the wrong direction for a long time now. Good luck to everyone, including myself, in fighting this self-destructive battle.

Weekend Warrior

So I took Zyban and kicked the habit. Then broke up with my boyfriend and picked it back up, but only on the weekends. I now have a personal trainer and I am really starting to get in shape, but when the weekends come I am a virtual chimney. And I have a weak heart to boot. So why do I still smoke, even if just on the weekends? An association habit. Let me explain: There is a little disclaimer on the side of all alcoholic beverages that I recently discovered. It says: "If you consume this beverage you must simultaneously smoke an entire pack of cigarettes." I know everyone can relate. But at what point do we take control of our health and our future and just say f**k this? Somebody please tell me.